Thursday, December 10, 2015

Recycled Christmas Card Gift Tags

Last Christmas I received several Christmas cards, and the recycler in me just didn't see fit to throw them out. My sister-in-law suggested that I make some gift tags out of them, so I set about making some! Some cards I saved, some I decided weren't appropriate to make a tag out of, but there were a few that would work out great!

I cut out the bits that I thought would make cute tags, some were big, some were small, One of them I even made round!

After I had cut out all the cute pictures I could find, I glued them all onto a sheet of white paper, and stacked some books on top to squish them straight while they dried. I made a mistake, though. I used a glue stick.

Once my tags were dry, and I set about cutting the sheet of paper apart to separate them, the edges and corners started to pop up. Remember, folks, just because it sounds easier, doesn't mean it is! Just use some good old-fashioned white glue and an old paint brush, and you'll be set!

Once you've trimmed the paper flush with the tags, all that needs doing is to punch some holes.

A regular office-style hole punch will work fine, but if you have a fancy-shaped punch you'd like to use, that will work out too! Thread a string or a piece of ribbon through the hole and tie your tags onto your gifts!

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